About Me

I am a Senior Sofware Engineer developing Analytics libraries in CUDA at RAPIDS team at NVIDIA. Before May 2019, I worked as Senior Software Engineer developing CAD-DFT tools at NVIDIA. I developed Deep Learning solutions for EDA problems, EDA algorithms for DFT, and applied parallel computing.
I did M.S (Research) at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) . I worked in GPGPU parallel computing, VLSI CAD algorithms, FPGA implementations, Signal processing and communication algorithms.

My research interests include Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Parallel Computing (CUDA & Multi-core), HW accelerators and EDA Algorithms

View Resume



  • May 2019

    NVIDIA Graphics

    Senior CUDA Software Engineer

    Developing Analytics libraries in CUDA at RAPIDS

  • Aug 2014
    April 2019

    NVIDIA Graphics

    CAD DFT Developer

    Developing and maintaing ATPG flow, scan insertion DFT tools used for more than 10 NVIDIA chips

  • June 2011
    Nov 2011

    Soliton Technologies

    Project Engineer

    Developed LabVIEW applications and used National Instruments DAQ equipments


  • 2012

    IIT Madras

    Master of Science by Research

    presented Thesis titled "GPU acceleration of LTE physical layer simulation" - 9.6/10 CGPA

  • 2007

    Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

    Bachelor of Technology

    Majored in Electronics and Communications - Passed with distinction - 8.89/10 CGPA

  • 2005

    Gandhi Higher Secondary School

    High School Degree

    12th standard with 94% marks.


Austin, Texas


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