I am a Senior Sofware Engineer developing Analytics libraries in CUDA at RAPIDS team at NVIDIA.
Before May 2019, I worked as Senior Software Engineer developing CAD-DFT tools at NVIDIA. I developed Deep Learning solutions for EDA problems, EDA algorithms for DFT, and applied parallel computing.
I did M.S (Research) at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM)
I worked in GPGPU parallel computing, VLSI CAD algorithms, FPGA implementations, Signal processing and communication algorithms.
My research interests include Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Parallel Computing (CUDA & Multi-core), HW accelerators and EDA Algorithms
Developing Analytics libraries in CUDA at RAPIDS
Developing and maintaing ATPG flow, scan insertion DFT tools used for more than 10 NVIDIA chips
Developed LabVIEW applications and used National Instruments DAQ equipments
presented Thesis titled "GPU acceleration of LTE physical layer simulation" - 9.6/10 CGPA
Majored in Electronics and Communications - Passed with distinction - 8.89/10 CGPA
12th standard with 94% marks.
Austin, Texas